The joy you will experience when you take direction from your inner spirit cannot be compared to the shallow artificial happiness in the ego’s drama. You will find your genuine voice.
Standing up and stepping out of the muck of all the competing noise and chatter requires giving up some behaviors you have been using for years. Coming out of the hypnotic trance of the delusion in your workplace and the world takes committed effort. As you do, you will recognize your authentic inner voice as it instructs you to do the following:
• Give up needing to prevail or triumph over another.
• Give up needing to be superior.
• Give up needing approval of others.
 • Give up the familiar path and take “the road less traveled.”
• Give up being the victim.
• Give up roles and definitions of self and others.
• Give up trying to fix or change others.
• Give up blaming others.
• Give up “center stage.”