I know that we all have times when we feel life is difficult and the journey can be bumpy.  But I have found that traveling on the road of life is actually, amazingly similar to riding a bicycle.  The following life principles are reflected in a bike trip and paying attention to these fundamentals of the journey may be helpful in attaining your goals and enjoying your life. Being conscious of how these principles are interrelated and how they work together may help you restart or revitalize your path. Your recognition and adjustments in these areas on a bike ride can provide you the endurance to reach your destination. Life operates from the same principles and when understood, can aid you in reaching your greatest dreams.
 1. DirectionÂ
Knowing which way you are going is the beginning of your journey. If you jump on your bike and head out without an intention, you may end up riding in circles or even getting lost. Without direction you can feel overwhelmed or discouraged. When you have a purpose, you are alert, open to opportunities and motivated to go forward. You won’t waste as much time going down the wrong paths. You will run into fewer unexpected obstacles and you will find more joy, synchronicity and adventure. Taking some time to get a clear vision and then planning your course will make your trip more worthwhile and enjoyable. Although you may come upon some unexpected delays, you will still not get too far off course if you keep your focus on your target. And some of the unexpected events along the way will probably be the best part of the journey.
 2. Balance
Balance on your bike and in your life is essential. If you are out of balance, you will tip over and fall in the road. Your life journey requires balance and an internal equanimity.  Human beings need to be balanced in their body, mind and spirit. As humans, we need socialization, recreation, rest, good nutrition, exercise, mental stimulation and spiritual alignment. If you are putting all your energy in one or two areas and not giving your soul and body the balance it needs, you could end up out of wind, stability and enthusiasm before you complete your journey.
 3. Tempo
 The cadence of your pedaling will affect your ability to stay the course. If you pedal too fast or work too hard, your stamina will be diminished, and conversely, if you pedal too slowly, you will lose momentum and fall over. Steady pressure and a comfortable rhythm will help you go farther. In addition, you will retain your energy and make fewer mistakes. And sometimes you need to pedal faster for a while but then you need to balance that with some rest. Life’s path is exactly the same. Â
 4. Energy
You are the engine that that keeps your bike on the road and you require energy. Energy is power and although we all have a life force pulsating through us, how we use that energy is up to us.  Having the optimum energy can be assured by, first, having an alignment with your inner spirit that is connected to a greater power Source. Secondly we also need to maintain a healthy body, and, of course, an optimistic mental attitude. Your zest and energy are also enhanced by your sincere and dedicated desire to achieve your goal.
The energy drainers include stress, addictions, focusing on the past, emotional drama, holding onto grievances, fear and worry. When you balance your physical, mental and spiritual facets, you will have the vitality and vigor to go the distance. Without replenishing yourself, your energy will desert you and you will give up before you reach the end.
 5. Will
Will is originated in desire and sustained by a strong passion to achieve your goal. Human will, coming from your deepest consciousness, is a very powerful force. Without a strong will to complete the journey, you will be tempted to give up when the going gets tough.  Having a clear vision of where you are going will keep your enthusiasm alive. If you are unaware or don’t feel a sense of purpose and personal aspiration, you will not have the commitment or energy to keep going. Desire and passion make the trip exciting and joyful. Trying to reach someone else’s goals lacks the most powerful secret to success—an unswerving personal will to succeed. Ask yourself, am I committed to this because it calls to my deepest desires or am I following someone else’s dreams?
 6. Persistence
Many people start out on their voyage with a great vision and then they start losing their dedication and perseverance. There are some parts of the journey that can be boring and sometimes very challenging. It is much easier to give up and try something else or to trudge along, complaining that it is too difficult. Most people give up long before they should because they lose faith in their dream. Faith is supported when you align with your inner spirit. Connecting with your inner spirit always strengthens your resolve and confirms your intentions. Your persistence will flourish in spite of uncertainty when you operate from the power that sustains all life–the power of universal love.Â
 7. Courage
The path to your greatest dreams will require the utmost courage. Recognizing that when the path is steep and the risk is large, your reward will be even greater can help you during the agonizing trials. The journey usually becomes the most difficult as you are nearing the completion–the place where many give up. This point in the journey is, where many turn back. But this is not the time to give into fear. This is the moment that tests your soul and helps you discover who you really are.  When you look within, your inner spirit will fortify your strength, amplify your efforts and shine away all doubt.
Because these principles are so interrelated, improving one area will benefit another. For example, if you begin to exercise, eat better and improve your physical health, your energy level will increase. When you feel better, your mental attitude picks up.
Or if you are losing your perseverance, going back and clarifying your direction can give you the stamina you need to continue. A bright vision or purpose can rekindle your passion and expand your courage.  Clarity returns and the clouds of confusion disappear. Together, these life principles will lead to a successful journey!