Change is inevitable. Yet my audiences always describe facing the unknown or change as one of their greatest fears. It may seem counter-intuitive, but trusting in the unknown and letting go of the known is actually where all creativity and innovation arise. Uncertainty is tantamount to the unknown and what we often fail to realize is that finding new possibilities requires diving courageously into uncertainty. The known can be the jumping board but actually resides in the past. And in many cases, the known is yesterday’s news.
When we can allow ourselves to trust in the unknown, brilliant new inspirations, opportunities, relationships, and experiences can suddenly appear in our lives. But not if we are clinging tightly to the past limiting beliefs that block imagination. Innovation, and even genius, emerge from the well-spring of creativity itself and can only arise in the unknown. If you already knew it, you would have already done it. Trusting in the unknown requires the willingness to be open to the new and not superimpose the past onto the future.
How do we do it?
- Be present
- Breathe
- Notice all sensations–sights, sounds, smells, etc.
- Relax
- Unwind and slow down your thoughts
- Recognize blocks
- Self-doubt and deprecation
- Other people’s opinions
- Fears and projections based on the past, old stories, conditioning
- Anxieties and worries
- Release limiting beliefs in favor of the unknown possibilities
- Stop thoughts like weeds, before their roots to penetrate too deeply
- Do something fun, i.e., listen to music, read or watch something inspiring— to break the worry or preoccupation
- Practice self-forgiveness and self-acceptance
- Rejoice in the shining experiences that are coming to you