I believe that a culmination of events is occurring; coming together in a timely and precise manner.  The message for healing the workplace culture applies to those who recognize it and to those who don’t. You can be powerful in your stance to assist in changing the world and the workplace as we know it. It is a mighty journey with a fierce but compelling message to release others from the bondage by a few. A surge in energy will bring a shift in consciousness, changing the power in the current mode of most workplaces. The tides are shifting rapidly, even as we speak.
Your endeavors to heal the workplace culture elevates not only you but thousands of other people who are grasping for straws, awaiting a relief from the constant pressure. The message has been diluted in the past but will come forth in the exact measure to produce the intended result as we move forward. You can join forces with those who are instilling a brand new way to see and relate to others with honor and authenticity. Boundless energy, limitless strength and the power to carry out this mission are granted to those who align with the power of the universal source of love.
Your participation in this awakening has been long awaited and those who are ready will reach out and experience change. It is an incredible journey. Do not hold back or surrender your authority. It is like a tidal wave of good tidings being spread throughout business environments.
It’s a new energy process, enjoyed and experienced by those dedicated to being here now. You can make a significant in bringing about a shift in humanity, impacting countless lives of people struggling and suffering.
You can be a bridge of communication from the other side, the immense and beautiful world from which you came. Don’t forsake yourself or others by giving into ego dramas and inner doubts or fears.
You will continue to move forward as you give up dwelling in the past and instead see a future of equality and respect in the workplace. Â Joy will become your state of mind. Â Promotions will come in stride as your progress in your own personal evolution. Â Â Be of good cheer and never forget that you travel in good company. If you are reading this message you are a participant in rebuilding relationships in the workplace and creating a shift in human consciousness. You are blessed.