Happy New Year to all my friends, family, and colleagues! I invite you to join me in bringing miracles, love, and laughter to the workplace in 2015.  Now, more than ever before, people everywhere are tired of the old business model of top down management and high pressure work environments. Mindfulness and meditation are being embraced by companies who recognize that people who are clear minded and present are more focused, productive, and innovative. Meditation allows us to tap into the level of consciousness that brings new insights and inspirations.
With the recent Gallup Poll on the  State of the American Workplace revealing 70% of  Americans are disengaged from their jobs, it is time to shift the workplace culture. Most people are on overload from too much information and responsibility, feeling pressured to do more in less time. This results in internal competition rather than cooperation. We can rebuild relationships by replacing fear with trust and compassion. Then people will be restored to their true selves, their inner spiritual greatness, and both individuals and companies will thrive.
What can you do to add miracles, love, laughter to your workplace? An extraordinary workplace starts with an extraordinary you, no matter where you fall on the organizational chart.  Here are 6  things you can do to help bring about an extraordinary workplace for yourself and others:
- Â Operate from the authentic source of universal love and not the artificial power of the ego. Be a proactive voice and not a victim.
- Â Provide a model of transparency and integrity in all interactions; including meetings, one on one conversations, and all written and electronic communications.
- Â Give up blame and instead, be fully responsible for your own actions, choices, and situations. Learn from the upsets in your workplace to face your own fears and doubts.
- Â Be approachable, accessible, kind, and respectful to those you work with, both up and down the organizational chart. Â Honor the spirit in others and yourself.
- Â Keep your commitments and stand on your word. People operating from love can always be counted on and trusted.
- Emanate love and compassion. Love is the power that sustains all life and creates miracles. Your very presence can be uplifting to those around you and the entire workplace culture.
My New Year’s Gift to You! Â
  Get a Free Copy of My Book
The Extraordinary Workplace: Replacing Fear with Trust and Compassion Â
As my commitment to miracles love, and laughter,  I am offering you an autographed copy of my book for free until midnight of Feb. 14, 2015, Valentine’s Day–the day of love and also my birthday. You pay only postage and handling. Click Here to Get Your Copy
My Recent Article In Kosmos–Journal for Global Transformation: I was recently published in Kosmos, an international journal with contributions from around the world on creating a new emerging civilization. It calls for transformation in all arenas of planet earth! Read here:
Kosmos–Journal for Global Transformation–Healing the Workplace Culture by Danna Beal