Liberation from Fear
I recently spoke to 150 people in downtown Bellevue on Mindfulness. I began by asking how many people in the room had experienced a significant or major struggle in the past year. Without hesitation, the hands of nearly everyone in the entire room went up. I asked them to look around. We are all experiencing struggles, both individually and collectively, but the solution lies within us, not from struggling with the outer circumstances. When we can align with our inner knowing, our deepest self we connect with a source and a power greater than anything external. By connecting with Universal Love, we find comfort, support, and wisdom to know how to deal with each situation as it arises. It is counter-intuitive, but when we slow down we find clarity and accomplish more.
Video with John Smallman on Liberation from Fear:
Here are my suggestions on the path to freedom:
- Pause and take a deep breath.
- Bring your self to the present moment by focusing on your breathing.
- Relax and feel yourself letting go of the busy mind.
- Trust in the knowledge that you belong here, and you are connected to Love, the power that sustains all life.
- Hold your struggle or conflict in your consciousness and ask your inner wisdom, “What is the threat here? What am I really afraid of? What am I trying to protect?â€
- As you allow yourself to see the belief or fear that is holding you hostage, you can stop hiding it from yourself.
- Know that you actually have the power within to face and deal with situations as they arise when you operate in the present moment from your inner wisdom.
- Remind yourself that 99% of your worries never occur—they are creations of your mind to try to protect you and prepare you. But your hidden fears can be debilitating.
- Practice becoming present and connecting with Love—the very reason you exist.