Seeing the genuine goodness in each person allows a free flow of communication and business exchange. Recognizing others’ strengths and amplifying those qualities produces far better results than criticism and dwelling on others’ weaknesses. When you accept individuals for the unique differences and common humanity you empower all you lead. Enlightened leaders do not believe they are superior to those they lead, nor do they try to act as if they are.
Be honest, are there times you attempt to appear superior to those you interact with? Even friends and family members? This is the ego trying to validate itself and fulfill your need for love and respect. It actually happens all the time by many members in a discussion. Examples are as simple as “I traveled there”, “I know the answer to that”, “I only shop there”, “my team is the best”, “I told you so”, “I knew it “or any other attempt to appear to know more than others. If you can recognize your need to appear above others and refrain from needing that ego validation, you will begin to do it in all cases. You will become a leader of authenticity, integrity and courage. You will find people want to follow you because of your internal energy shift–not mere words.
Enlightened leaders are rare because so many individuals need a lot of applause and recognition. Your commitment to your inner source of wisdom will reward you with ability to truly lead others to a higher place, inspire them to unparalleled levels of performance, and energize them to exceed vital goals.