The work environment has never been more combative and filled with emotional turbulence. It is almost amazing that any work is accomplished, considering all the distractions. I am going to suggest that most business productivity and achievement is motivated by fear rather than inspiration.
Suspend your judgment and consider the possibilities for new levels of business success and advancement if we had an environment of compassion, respect, and freedom. Instead of wasting energy and time with negative emotions, individuals could contribute from their full potential with eagerness and enthusiasm.
More than ever before, businesses and organizations need the energy and synergism that comes from good relationships, teamwork, creativity, and productivity among leaders and employees. Developing the potential of everyone, and allowing their full expression and talent in the roles that they play, is essential for a company’s success. To rise above the clamor in such a declining market, and to navigate during the lean times, companies must understand the power of honor, respect, and group engagement. Enlightened leaders who recognize that they must release the powerful energy and intelligence of the people in their organizations will build extraordinary workplaces and achieve high levels of business success. But in reality, most leaders do not maximize performance, and instead unwittingly deplete the energy of those they need to drive their financial goals.
Businesses have followed a model of managing, measuring, and distributing financial capital as a basis for increasing profitability. What this old model doesn’t recognize are the resources that create capital: people, relationships, and the innate ingenuity of the employees within the organization, often the frontline workers. This potential is being suppressed in businesses everywhere.
Measurements and metrics that don’t address the underlying issue of managing people and relationships will produce limited results. They could be likened to a football game in which demands are made to increase the scores on the scoreboard without consideration of the team members who must play the game and make the touchdowns. Metrics are simply the reflection of the activities, services, and relationships of people, not the other way around.
Top-down directives do not allow for possibilities coming from the human capital, which could, in fact, increase market success, create new business opportunities, and ultimately drive profitability. The old model is obsolete and new steps are necessary to stop the tidal wave of events threatening businesses all across the country. Blind faith in dogmatic, rigid systems has led to enterprises that are imploding. Downsizing is increasing and unemployment is rising, with predictions of more layoffs.
Enlightened leaders recognize the value of human capital and the importance of relationships within the company and with customers. Creating an environment of trust that capitalizes on all people in the organization will produce a competitive advantage. The business will also be a happier place to work, a driver for loyalty, retention, and commitment. The new model will produce cooperation instead of competition as leaders respect and honor the spirit in those they lead. I am suggesting that within every human being is an invisible, inner spirit which is connected to the power that sustains all life; as well as to one another.
When we can rebuild relationships by honoring the spirit in ourselves and others that is residing beneath our self created identities that battle and compete for power, we can cause a shift in the workplace and the world. It is time to replace fear with trust and compassion so that everyone can be restored to their true identity, their inner spiritual greatness, intended by the Creator. Workplaces will thrive, employees will be happy and customers will be served.