Dear Friends,
I am wishing you all a very Happy New Year filled with miracles, love, and laughter. The last two years have been tumultuous, isolating, and difficult for so many. My New Year’s message is to give you some thoughts that may illuminate and bring some joy in the upcoming year:
1. Realign and unify with your soul. Remind yourself that you are a soul occupying a physical body. Your journey is to help awaken you and remember who you really are, your deep spiritual greatness. Take time to go inward and find presence, the only place where Source can connect with you.
2. Connect with your heart more and your mind less. We can feel the energy of another’s sincerely and heartfelt connection. But often we speak from our mind, and we allow judgment to cloud our communication. If love is the sunshine, judgment is the cloud that obscures it.
3. Treat others as you would like to be treated. Others, and especially people who are difficult or people we consider enemies, are mirrors to ourselves. When we practice kindness, we are honoring the spirit in others, as well as honoring the spirit in ourselves.
4. Be willing to laugh at ourselves. In my family, we laugh a lot, especially at our own antics, missteps, and sometimes ridiculous behaviors. Laughter lightens the journey and is good for the soul. Laughter is also contagious, so laugh often.
5. Start each day with gratitude. Be grateful for all you have instead of lamenting what you don’t have. Gratitude opens our heart and connects us with the Divine. Gratitude in the morning sets the tone for the whole day.
6. Expect miracles and synchronicity. When we are open to the new and can give up the past ideas of what is possible, amazing people, situations, and opportunities show up miraculously. It has happened so many times in my life that I am no longer even surprised—just very grateful. The more we are awake to synchronicity, the more it occurs in our lives.
7. Let go of resistance and defenses. They are strategies of the ego, and they block love. Let yourself go with the flow and trust in the unknown. Give up trying to make things happen, resist what your fear, and, instead, be at peace.
8. Love is the power that sustains all life. It is powerful enough to sustain you. Relax and trust in the immense power of love. Your needs will be met. Trust in that.
Miracles, Love, and Laughter,