You cannot be strong without giving up self-righteousness. Self-righteousness is the linchpin for unraveling the entire ego structure. The ego’s belief or desire to be superior to fellow human beings is an attempt to overcome the sense of worthlessness by denying it or projecting it onto others.
This pervasive ego strategy, employed by the multitudes, is the source of wars at all levels. The ego’s effort to exonerate itself escalates the drama and dissension. It is time to shatter these deadlocks of blame and persecution by seeing that all interactions are a process of reciprocity. The mutual dynamic is like a dance of pain and suffering between two people, each unwilling to stop. Every pain holds the seed of freedom and peace, if felt and experienced, rather than denied or projected onto another. What is vehemently defended holds the secret to your emancipation. When you defend yourself it intensifies the grip of fear. If you but knew this, you would put down your sword and shield immediately.
Behind your fear of pain and condemnation you will find the relief your soul desires. Recognize that the challenges you face are opportunities disguised as problems. They are an opening to your freedom. Pronounce truth and allow others the freedom to choose their own reactions or responses. Do not give into self doubt but honor yourself and your experiences. Trust that your emotions are telling you the lessons you came here to learn. Allow the feelings from your experiences to emerge so that they can be faced and released.
Stop looking for peace and love outside yourself. Discover true inner peace, love and joy by looking at the very pain you seek to avoid. You believe that if you felt your pain fully, it would destroy you. You are running from a dreaded and impending wave of fear that you believe will come crashing down on you, crushing you into oblivion. But running is exhausting. The huge darkness cast upon you by the relentless wave is like a cloud of suffering, blocking the light and love you want in your life. Stop, turn, and face your worst fear. When you do, you will find, to your utter relief, the foreboding wave is gently lapping against the shore. To accelerate your growth and personal happiness, learn that any sense of fear, panic, pain or resistance are indicators of the parts of yourself that need healing. Know that your emotions are not caused by another but are coming from your own thoughts and stories of who you think you are. It is not true. Welcome your feelings and sensations instead of refusing to acknowledge them. Be gentle with yourself. And most importantly, give up claims of self-righteousness. They prevent your feelings from arising, they block your inner path to freedom and they alienate your fellow human beings.