Moving away from the ego-driven, top-down management style is critical for companies to grow, to attract and retain competent employees, to increase employee engagement, to gain loyalty and respect, and to build cooperation and contribution.
What does it take for leaders to make this transformation?
A restoration to authenticity requires the courage and willingness of leaders to look with an unflinching eye at their own inadequacies and fears. It means looking within and seeing errors, misjudgments, and false claims of righteousness. Honest and deep reflection will allow strength of character, integrity, and true leadership to arise.
Becoming an enlightened business leader will require disengaging from the insane drama and creating an environment of harmony, trust, and compassion.
Because of ego-driven management, millions in the workplace feel as though they are in prison, with little freedom of expression or ability to perform and contribute at their highest level. Learning to face the ego and becoming an enlightened leader are meaningful and necessary goals.
Business leaders who begin to personally transform and become restored to their true selves will free employees to work creatively and productively within an environment that fosters their true potential.
As leaders give up the need for superiority, employees will lay down the defenses and complaints of the downtrodden. People will learn to give up blaming others for their circumstances and take back their own destinies. As leaders elevate their own understanding, they will be models for those they lead. Those they guide will find liberation and discover their own inner authority. People who are free will perform better. Ultimately, businesses will be more successful.