Tremendous efforts are needed to dissuade the common theme of attack and overcome that is held by so many people in this world. Peace can never come from overcoming others. Understanding relationships and finding radical new ways to achieve peace are necessary for the pursuit of freedom. Each and every one is part of the new wave of love and compassion that is needed today. It is time to stretch the current framework and create a new world.
It is important to recognize the dynamic of mutual engagement. Whether between individuals, groups or whole nations, it takes both sides to hold the relationship together. As an example, visualize a shoe lace that is intertwined as it laces the shoe with adjoining pressure, pulling the parts of the shoe together. This automatically tightens the grip of both sides of the shoe. This joint pressure holds the shoe together. But when the pressure becomes unbearable, the lace breaks— “the tie that binds them.” This breaking or bursting is usually seen as the fault of the other but is actually the result of both sides pulling against each other—intertwined needs and emotions that keep them engaged. It is not love that binds them–it is fear.
What we are witnessing today is the bursting of pressure of two sides of polarity so that we can transform the planet to a whole new way of being–a planetary shift like the world has never seen. We are moving out of polarity and into compassion, trust, and love for one another. You are a part of the magnificent planetary evolution and that is why you are here.
Poisoned attitudes and ideas for achieving supremacy are delivered to each other through the media of all kinds and accelerated by the availability of the internet and social media to anyone at any time. Poisonous ideas, like venom, need an antidote to dilute their power. This passage in time in our world requires people to take a stand for peace, with conviction; not just politely standing by waiting to see what will happen. Artificial leaders who rule with fear do not possess the true traits of authentic, compassionate leaders.
Understand this. Trying to overcome another person, group or nation, by intensifying the pressure, always results in disruptions and wars. Warring nations have been held in the same pull of intertwined relationships for centuries. Currently, it has escalated to levels never experienced before and is occurring on all fronts.
Why are people afraid to take a stand? It stems from fear of punitive action from those in authority. Childhood experiences of being scolded by a teacher or older authority have conditioned people to be afraid to speak the truth or take a stand against the prevailing culture. People who are in fear seek leaders who represent authoritarian parents or other adults in their childhood. They believe these leaders will provide them with safety. They will become disillusioned when these leaders fail, and they will lose trust. What they don’t understand is that they are giving away their own innate power.
When we pronounce Truth it will be recognized. Freedom is just that—freedom from fear and repression. We need to persevere in spreading a message of peace, love and harmony. Do not give others authority over you or be beguiled by false platitudes and toxic ideas. Do not let fear make you feel small and insignificant.
Right now we are seeing the extreme pressure but be assured that universal Love is more powerful than the artificial power being exposed in this process and evolution.