If you are like most people in today’s workplace you have someone who is a co-worker from hell. The good news is that  you can learn to see a the co-worker from hell as gift–a step toward your own personal restoration plan—a path of awakening to your own authentic power and your inner spiritual greatness.
Your suffering can actually provide you the opening to your most powerful, confident self, if you choose to face your own inner fears. Facing your own fears and doubts can help you understand and have compassion for even the co-worker from hell—who is actually operating from fear.
Unfortunately, most people remain victims in their workplace because they are frozen in fear even though it is sometimes disguised as anger or annoyance. They perpetuate the dysfunction and irritation with behaviors they hope will alleviate their pain—strategies designed to keep them safe or protect their own image. These include complaining, pouting, gossiping, placating, forming cliques, and denying the issues. But people using these forms of resistance continue to be wounded; operating from a dis-empowered and on-going state of reoccurring anxiety.