Compassion knows no boundaries. It arises out of the authentic recognition of the other as thyself. It is not limited by color, creed, gender, sexual preference or geography. Compassion for others can awaken the listening heart to self compassion.  When we truly see our oneness we will see the futility of destroying the perceived enemy because it is actually the destruction of ourselves. We are all interconnected. As you hurt another you hurt yourself. There is nothing outside yourself. Your view of the other is a projection stemming from your own disowned traits that you fear will lead to your annihilation. When we have the courage to recognize this projection we will see our own fears. Owning our own weaknesses, followed by acceptance and self forgiveness are the steps to personal freedom. When we can see that attacking or judging another is actually a strategy for redirecting our own self recriminations—we will see how these misguided intentions are the cause of pain and suffering.
As we feel compassion for others it can lead us to compassion for ourselves. When we allow the compassion for ourselves to flow freely we will feel a release beyond comprehension. Our pain is augmented by our constant criticism. Freedom is the result of self forgiveness, leading to a peace that passeth all understanding. Only you hold the key to your self imposed prison.