Teamwork and cooperation are the core of success. Without compassion and trust for one another, people cannot work together as teams nor are they able to work at their highest potential. When fear is present, individuals work harder at protecting their security and their image than in conducting creative, productive, and consistent work activities.
It is so obvious that internal competition destroys the workplace environment and yet, again, and again, we see organizations use fear based management programs and expect to get high performance results. It is a little like beating a horse: it may go a little faster for a while, but it will ultimately give out and even die. In the workplace, fear results in gossip, sabotage, paranoia, rivalry and low productivity.
Leaders and managers who use the top down, fear pressure method are shooting a hole in the gas tank, draining the fuel that drives their company–the people. The attitude, coming down from the top, ultimately radiates out to the customer. All the training in the world cannot stop negative energy from within an organization from leaking out to the customer.
Currently, with so much uncertainty in the workplace, trust and compassion are needed more than ever. With layoffs, even those still working feel a lack of trust in their organization: wondering when they might be next.  When leaders can honor the spirit in themselves and the same spiritual essence in those they lead, they create a conduit of energy which results in synergism and expansion. Fear based management actually depletes the energy, and hence, the power of the organization to be successful.  As an aligned and respectful team, more can be accomplished than could ever be done by individuals working separately. However, the respect has to be genuine, not a feigned attempt to appear kind. Authenticity is recognized and hypocrisy is always felt.
Whether you are an official leader or a member of the team, your value is enhanced in your relationships with others. So learning to honor yourself, as well as others, will lead to success and happiness for everyone. Less energy is expended in reactions and counter reactions, and instead, is directed into doing the actual work.
People who are empowered out perform individuals who feel weak and fearful. If you believe your job as an owner, leader or manager is to be superior to those you lead, you cannot elevate performance with any long term results. Until each leader can face his/her own inner doubts and fears, all attempts at leadership will fail in the face of conflict.
Rebuilding relationships in the workplace by replacing fear with trust and compassion is not only the right thing to do, it is the foundation of success.