We are hopefully turning the corner in the Covid-19 environment but the impact on healthcare has been immeasurable. There have been no one-size-fits-all solutions nor easy answers during these unpredictable times. Employees have been under extreme pressure to meet all the requirements at work, while also dealing with their personal lives, school closures, children at […]
Workplace Culture Blog
What Are You Willing to Do for Love?
When we withhold our voice, we are not contributing to the direction of humanity. Our silence can be an act of acceptance of even something we don’t desire or believe in.
The Remedy for Conflict in the Workplace: LOVE
The Zags, the remarkable Gonzaga men’s basketball team, is moving into the Final Four in the NCAA championship tournament. As a Washingtonian, with Spokane as my hometown, I am excited for the Zags! I also keep reading and hearing about how happy, committed, and confident the players are during the games. These young men have […]
Project Illumination
Join us at Project Illumination: Project Illumination is a growing movement that, although not visible to all, is well on its way! Those who are participating, knowingly or accidentally, are helping to bring about sweeping and much needed changes to humanity and to its societal structure. I hope you will join me on my new […]
Project Illumination–New Facebook Group
WHEN ARE WE GOING TO STOP INFLICTING PAIN ON ONE ANOTHER? The world is crying out for healing. The pain and suffering, the political discord, the blame and attack atmosphere, the conflict in families, workplaces, and communities, and the isolation experienced by so many, are all taking a huge toll on people everywhere. As an […]
Miracles, Love, and Laughter for Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day is a perfect day to remind people that it is through the power of love—universal love– that we will heal relationships and unravel conflict in this world. Coincidentally, I was born on Valentine’s Day and it is my passion to share my insights and thoughts about how love can change the world if […]
Understanding Anger–David Whyte
Two years I attended a 2-day retreat to hear and experience the poetry readings by international poet, author, and consultant, David Whyte. I found that his dramatic and deeply penetrating words create an understanding that bypasses the mind and goes directly to the heart. His poetry needs to be pondered and allowed its full resonance […]
Lessons I Learned from Bob Beale
My dear friend of thirty years, Bob Beale, died three days ago. Some of you knew him as one of the early ACIM supporters, some of you knew of him as an amazing business consultant and author, and many of my close friends knew of him from me–because I spoke so often of his wise […]
Intuitive Coach
1) Intuitive Workplace & Life Coach: A Personal Restoration Plan–The Inner Path to Authentic Power Schedule a Zoom call with Danna Illuminate the path to a happy, productive, balanced, and fulfilling career. The wisdom I share is the result of decades of workplace and relationship experience with a multitude of industries and levels of leaderships. […]
Warm Wishes for a Happy Holiday!
We have all been going through an unmatched year of strange and unimaginable experiences. Many people are suffering extraordinary circumstances and most of us have had some kinds of losses, disappointments, loneliness, worries, and/or upsets. And yet, many of us are also discovering new insights, epiphanies, and deeper life learnings. I believe we are being given an opportunity […]