Humanity longs for peace; between people, communities and nations. Yet, there is an arena in dire need of healing that is rarely addressed. The workplace, where millions of people spend the majority of their waking hours, is comprised of a web of egos battling and competing for power and validation. Managers are disempowering employees, co-workers […]
Workplace Culture Blog
Extraordinary Service in Hospitals
In a climate where hospitals are competing for patients, banks are fighting for customers, and most businesses are trying to survive, the significant competitive edge today is providing extraordinary service.
Straight Talks: 5 Secrets of Essential Communications for Managers
No matter what the purpose of a conversation or the roles in an organization, communication cannot occur if one or both people are operating from the ego. When people are coming from their own script based on their own past, they cloud the conversation. I would like to suggest 5 secrets for creating Straight Talks; […]
Symptoms of a Dysfuctional Workplace
What is the culture of your workplace? Individuals who are in pain often reveal to me, the outside consultant, what they will not share with the leadership in the organization, even through anonymous surveys and exit interviews, for fear of reprisal. Repeatedly, I have heard men and women, managers and staff, individually describe to me […]
Ending Ego Driven Management
Moving away from the ego-driven, top-down management style is critical for companies to grow, to attract and retain competent employees, to increase employee engagement, to gain loyalty and respect, and to build cooperation and contribution. What does it take for leaders to make this transformation? A restoration to authenticity requires the courage and willingness of […]
Symptoms of an Ego-driven Management Style
Most leaders in all sizes of organizations operate from the ego, rather than from authentic power. The ego blocks true creativity and energy that could be unleashed in the workplace. Egoic leadership also constrains the abilities and possibilities of its followers, which impacts the bottom line. Some symptoms of an ego-driven management style include the […]
Is the Workplace Making You Fat?
Is the Workplace Making You Fat? Emily went to work early, avoiding the traffic and giving herself some extra time to finish up the project from yesterday. Â After arriving, she discovered she had some additional tasks to complete before a meeting in two hours. Her email box, not surprising anymore, had filled up again over […]
Your Authentic Voice
Standing up and stepping out of the muck of all the competing noise and chatter requires giving up some behaviors you have been using for years. Coming out of the hypnotic trance of the delusion in your workplace and the world takes committed effort. As you do, you will recognize your authentic inner voice as […]
Is Rivalry Preventing Teamwork in Your Workplace?
Is Rivalry Preventing Teamwork in Your Workplace? Rivalry has increased in the workplace today because people feel they must compete for job security. Many work environments are filled with fear and are in dire need of healing. With the increasing uncertainty and growing layoffs, many people are insecure and lack trust in the very place […]
Stressful Relationships in the Workplace
You are bound to have relationships which cause you stress or discomfort in the workplace. The greater the sense of anxiety created when dealing with the individual, the more powerful the opportunity to heal and rebuild the relationship. The workplace provides time and frequent interactions in which to learn and practice this new way of […]