In a compassionate workplace culture, projects are assumed with enthusiasm, based on the natural desire to create, innovate and improve.  People working in groups of mutual respect and responsibility have a greater sense of belonging and a stronger desire to reach shared, beneficial goals. Positve relationships and friendships ensure the involvement and reinforcement for innovative group […]
Two Steps in Healing the Workplace
Begin to heal the workplace by creating an environment that honors and benefits all people. Become personally responsible for your own actions, circumstances and feelings. Stop participating in a drama that hurts others and elicits defenses, guilt and suffering. Help unravel the web of egos by disengaging from the reactions and counter reactions that keep […]
Look Within
Many leaders employ individuals to meet the goals of the company; unfortunately the method used to achieve the goal is accomplished through coercion and suppression. People are not productive under this structure and few can withstand the criticism coming from fear-based management. Â Applying pressure to those who are actually working well restrains their enthusiasm, eventually […]
Cooperation is the result of respect and honor for one another and elevates performance. Conversely, internal competition within organizations depletes the energy and exhausts the individuals. Fearful environments do not promote friendships and, instead, cause suspicion, paranoia, rivalry and insecurity. Working in a fear-based culture impacts not only work performance but actually blocks teamwork and […]
Give Up Self-Righteousness
You cannot be strong without giving up self-righteousness. Self-righteousness is the linchpin for unraveling the entire ego structure. The ego’s belief or desire to be superior to fellow human beings is an attempt to overcome the sense of worthlessness by denying it or projecting it onto others. This pervasive ego strategy, employed by the multitudes, […]
The Ego-Driven Leader
This exercise is about looking behind the mask of artificial leaders. Read the list of the ego driven leaders listed below. Ask yourself the following three questions about each of the roles: What is the fear behind this role? (i.e. fear of appearing weak, not smart enough) What is the benefit to this person? (i.e. […]
Seattle–WAC: Enlightened Leadership Seminar
If you are a member or a guest accompanied by a member of the Washington Athletic Club, join me for a luncheon seminar on February 10, 2010 from 11:30 AM-2:00 PM. The WAC is located at 1325 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101. Cost is $65 and includes lunch. Learn 7 key steps to enlightened leadership and […]
Leading with Inspiration
Inspiration comes from those being led
Restoration to Your True Self
Restoration to your true self, your authentic self, occurs naturally when you begin to question the limiting beliefs and lies about yourself. Emancipation from your false beliefs arises within you and you begin to live in an awakened state. The process will be reinforced, as you commit to your own progress. The average person doesn’t […]
Washington Athletic Club Sponsors Danna Beal’s Workshop on Leadership on February 10, 2010
Mark you calendars for a workshop on “Leadership that Inspires Commitment, Teamwork and Innovation” on February 10, 2010 from 11:30 AM-2:00 PM at the WAC located at 1325 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101. Cost is $65 and includes lunch. Learn 7 key steps to enlightened leadership and authentic power.  More information on how to register coming […]